Open Truth Lesson Plans

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We’ve designed two lesson plans that can be used with a variety of audiences with slight modifications. Together, these lessons reinforce the key messages of the Open Truth Campaign:

Sugary drinks are making us sick. The sugary drinks industry targets young people and communities of color to increase profits and brand loyalty.

Part 1: Sugary Drinks & Health

This 30-minute lesson plan exposes the truth that sugary drinks are making us sick. The activities are designed to teach the following key messages in an interactive and engaging way:

  1. What is a sugary drink?
  2. Sugary drinks vs. sugary food
  3. We are eating too much sugar.
  4. Sugary drinks are making us sick.

Download materials for Part 1

Part 2: Sugary Drinks & Industry Tactics

This 35-45 minute lesson exposes the marketing tactics that the sugary drink industry uses. The activities are designed to teach the following key messages in an interactive and engaging way:

  1. Who is Big Soda?
  2. Big Soda spends millions of dollars targeting kids with marketing tactics that associate harmful drinks with fame, athleticism, sex appeal, health, and happiness.
  3. Big Soda targets Latino and African American youth, even though they know that their drinks are making us sick.
  4. Take Action! Don’t be a target. Get informed, share what you know, and speak up for your health, your family’s health, and your community’s health.

Download materials for Part 2

  • PT 2 Presentation Guide – This presentation guide will provide recommended language and activities to teach others about industry’s marketing tactics.
  • Logo Activity – This one page handout will help participants understand what a logo is selling.
  • Logo Answer Key
  • Trivia Worksheet – Six trivia questions about sugary drinks.
  • Trivia Key
  • Ad Activity – This one page handout guides participants through how to analyze what marketing tactics are used in a sugary drink advertisement.
  • Sample Ads – A collection of sugary drink advertisements that can be used with the Ad Activity above.
  • Industry Arguments – One-page worksheet to match industry arguments with public health responses.
  • Industry Quotes – Quotes straight from Big Soda Executives’ mouths to prove that Big Soda targets youth of color.

See materials available in Spanish and Chinese.

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