April 8, 2015

Vision: All San Franciscans have access to healthy eating and active living where they live, work, learn and play.

Mission: To create equitable and sustainable environments, systems and policies that promote healthy eating and active living across the lifespan in San Francisco.


  1. Increase access to healthy food
  2. Increase opportunities for physical activity
  3. Decrease consumption of sugary drinks

Values: Prevention, Social Justice, Diversity, Collective Impact


I.                 Welcome and introductions
Bea and Chuck, Shape Up SF Coalition Co-Chairs
II.               Walking Challenge, April 6-May 31, www.shapeupsfwalkingchallenge.org
Amanda Vergel de Dios, Shape Up SF Walking Challenge Coordinator
III.              Update on Public Education Enrichment Fund (PEEF) Process
Mark Murphy, Co-Chair of PEEF Community Advisory CouncilSupporting Materials:

IV.             Prioritizing PE in SFUSD
Commissioner Sandra Lee Fewer, Board of Education, San Francisco Unified School District
V.               SUSF Coalition Strategic Plan and Results Based Accountability Overview
Christina Goette and Dara Geckeler, MPH
Community Health Equity & Promotion Branch, Population Health Division
San Francisco Department of Public HealthSupporting Materials:


Present: Rachel Reis (Sprouts), Cristy Dieterich (DPH), Michael Bennett (Bayview YMCA), Brittni Chicuata (AHA), Sarah Fine (UCSF CVP), Emily Turpin (YMCA of SF), Dara Geckeler (DPH), Avni Desai (MEDA), Jinny Hayes (SUSF Intern), Marcus Penn (Rafiki Coalition), Michelle Kim (DCYF), Heather Tufts (DCYF), Patricia Erwin (DPH), Amanda Vergel de Dios (Shape Up SF), Angela Moskow (Urban Sprouts), Peter Lauterborn (SF BOS), Christina Goette (DPH), Bea Cardenas-Duncan (SUSF), Catth Otto (ACS), Susana Hennessey Lavery (DPH), Erik Halaas (YMCA of SF), Jim Illig (Kaiser), Ana Validzic (DPH), Arielle Fleisher (SFMTA), Danielle Merenbach (DPH), Ayanna Davis (Rafiki Coalition), Tacing Parker (Bayview YMCA), Liza Pratt (Sunday Streets), Shari Zinn (Resident), Marianne Szeto (SUSF)

Peter Lauterborn on behalf of Supervisors Mar, Wiener, and Cohen, gave overview of the three ordinances proposed on March 10 to decrease sugary drink consumption. The SF Board of Supervisors unanimously passed a resolution in support of SB203, the statewide sugary drink warning label bill.  All three ordinances will be heard at a special meeting of the Public Safety and Neighborhood Services Committee on April 30 at 2 pm.

The Shape Up SF Walking Challenge started this week and there are lots of opportunities to get out and be physically active. Tomorrow is Walk to Work Day, Sunday is Sunday Streets in the Bayview, and Thursday and Friday, Musical Pedals will be waiting for you to take it on a spin on Market St.

PEEF Update

The Public Education Enrichment Fund was set to sunset at the end of the 2014-15 school year. The voters approved it last November, and the budget will be set for the next 26 years. There is a PEEF Community Advisory Council that meets monthly. The CAC makes recommendations to the Superintendent on how to spend the money across the 17 programs funded by PEEF. There are 4 guiding principles the CAC follows when budgeting:

  1. Fund programs with direct services to students.
  2. Creativity, Innovation and sustainability
  3. Address access and equity
  4. Increase social and emotional safety

PEEF has about $59 million and funds:

  1. Preschool for all
  2. Sports (includes PE), Libraries, Art and Music
  3. Enrichment programs such as restorative practices, student support services, nurses, wellness centers, etc.

Although the PEEF budget increases with city economy, there is no trigger in the new legislation.

Advocate to the CAC because they make recommendations to the school board and Superintendent, who controls the distribution of money. There is more money in the PE budget now because of advocacy efforts.

Commissioner Sandra L. Fewer

Fewer has served on the San Francisco Board of Education since 2009, where she authored resolutions to implement restorative practice approaches to student discipline, institute ethnic studies classes in high schools, create a parent engagement plan, and re-commit to the anti-discrimination of LGBTQQ youth.

From 2001-2009 Fewer was the Director of Parent Organizing and Education Policy at Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth, where she authored the resolution to create a Parent Advisory Council to the Board of Education and helped craft the first Education Equity Platform for San Francisco public schools.

Commissioner Fewer has been an advocate for PE for a long time and believes that SFUSD has not prioritized PE in its budget and the BOE has consistently voted on policies that took away from PE, such as JROTC, independent study, and athletics exemptions. PE should get more money than athletcis, that serves only a small pervent of its 57K students.

Commissioner Fewer offered to author a resolution opposing AB1391. Superintendent Carranza is equity-minded, which presents opportunities for strengthening partnership.

Results Based Accountability (RBA)

DPH is using RBA as its framework for strategic planning, and SUSF has decided to do the same in order to use shared measures and ensure we are in alignment on healthy eating and active living. Dara Geckeler did a brief, high level overview on RBA. See slides. Since time was so short, Dara will be walking through an exercise to select performance measures at our next Steering Committee meeting on April 28 at 1 PM. Coalition members are welcome to participate. Please contact Marianne to RSVP and for the location.


Posted in Shape Up Coalition Meetings

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