July 28, 2015

Vision: All San Franciscans have access to healthy eating and active living where they live, work, learn and play.

Mission: To create equitable and sustainable environments, systems and policies that promote healthy eating and active living across the lifespan in San Francisco.


1. Increase access to healthy food

2. Increase opportunities for physical activity

3. Decrease consumption of sugary drinks

Values: Prevention, Social Justice, Diversity, Collective Impact



I. Welcome and Introduction – Bea and Chuck, Shape UP SF Coalition Co-Chairs




Present: Gloria Thornton (RCMG), Robin Dean (Robin Dean & Associates), Antonia Williams (BVHZ, SEFA), Tavi Baker (BGCSF), Brittni Chicuata (AHA), Christina Goette (DPH, SUSF), Bea Cardenas-Duncan (SUSF Co-Chair), Chuck Collins (YMCA of SF), Cathy Otto (ACS), Levi Johnson (REC), Arielle Fleisher (SFMTA), Heather Tufts (DCYF), Jessica Estrada(HRSF), Sarah Fine (UCSF CVP), Julie Kauffman (AHA), Rebecca (FG), Maya Rodgers (BVHZ), Patricia Erwin (DPH), Erik Halaas (YMCA), Roberto Vargas

Posted in Shape Up Coalition Meetings

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