July 10, 2019


Slides (PDF) | Evaluation summary (PDF) | Meeting flyer (PDF)

1. Networking – If you were in the elevator with the Mayor and had 30 seconds to tell her who you are and one thing that your organization does to increase healthy eating/active living, what would you say? Find at least 3 people in the room and ask them what would they say to her and share your story. 2:00-2:10
2. Welcome and community agreements 2:10-2:20
3. Shape Up SF/HEAL Updates

  1. Equity Action Team (E.A.T.)
  2. Shape Up SF Coalition Member Survey www.surveymonkey.com/r/susfc-2018-19
  3. The Sweet Spot: Leveraging the SF Soda Tax to Advance Health Equity
  4. Sugary Drinks Distributor Tax RFPs www.sfdph.org/chep
4. Learning Community

  1. Tenderloin Healthy Corner Store Coalition
  2. EatSF/Vouchers for Veggies
  3. Project Commotion
  4. Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation
  5. Q&A
5. Evaluation 3:45-3:50
6. Announcements 3:50-4:00
Posted in Shape Up Coalition Meetings

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