October 20, 2011

I. Future of Walking Challenge
II. Review SurveyMonkey data
III. SUSF Holiday Mixer? “Stay Fit for the Holidays” themed fundraiser party at Sports Basement, Shape Up as beneficiary. Brief presentation on how best to avoid weight gain and stay active during the holidays. Raffles, wine tasting, and healthy food. Shape Up would get 10% of the proceeds.
IV. Year in Review – deadline December 10

Present: Christina, Amy, Gloria, Susana, Ana, Colby, Lara, Bea, Marianne

Walking Challenge – Given limited staff time and resources, we are exploring strategies to best continue the Walking Challenge. Factors influencing this decision:

  • Last year there were 100+ adult teams (mostly city agencies and departments) and 54 youth teams (the majority of which were mandated to do it as a grant deliverable). Given the breakdown of participants, it seems to make sense to ask HSS, whose focus is on city employees and retirees, to take a more active role in the Walking Challenge.
  • Does it make sense to have a CBO/partner take over logistics?
  • From a funder’s perspective, need to know if it will continue to be “Shape Up SF Walking Challenge”. It’s the only city-wide program, aside from Soda Free Summer, and if not, this may affect funding. If however, you subcontract it out, it will still be Shape Up SF.

Next steps: survey to everyone, with special invitation to the top 10 adult and youth teams asking:

  • Timing – spring? Fall? Walk to Work day in April?
  • Is it too long? 10 weeks? 1 month?
  • Are incentives vital to success of program? To recruitment?

Consider doing Request for Applicants to take over logistics of Walking Challenge.

Link was sent out in newsletter in August and September, broadcasted on Facebook with potential to reach over 500 people. There were only 10 respondents, (mostly Steering Committee members).
Highlights from summary – newsletter seems to be useful tool to brand and keep people updated. While majority of respondents (6) prefer a quarterly meeting over annual (4), if we went to an annual schedule, almost all (9) would try to attend or prioritize the meeting.
• Concern that if meetings are too far apart, we lose branding of Shape Up SF.
• Shape Up SF has many strong projects, but there is no requirement like Tobacco Free Project’s, that brings all the SUSF players together.
• What will bring everyone together? Do we have a shared policy goal? All partners need stable funding source. Consider mechanisms to fund healthy eating and active living.
• TFP is successful coalition because they get stable funding stream, and they also give funding. Can SUSF do mini grants?
Next Steps:
• Continue quarterly schedule.
• Adopt a policy goal: to explore mechanism to fund HEAL.
• In 2012, focus on educating stakeholders and building a constituency.
• End of the year, take stock and determine if we have enough momentum. If so, seek funding to staff a policy development plan.
• Could the CTG coordinator play a key role in this work?

January – intro, building a movement to create sustainable funding source. Invite Susana/Alyonik/Maris to present.
April – why focus on sugar?
July – Navigating prop 26. Invite PHLP Ian McLaughlin or CCPHA.
October – ?

Holiday Mixer – Sports Basement asked if we’d like to partner and be the beneficiary of a holiday fundraiser with a “Stay fit for the holidays” theme. Brief presentation with healthy tips, reach out to our partners, raffles, food, shopping.
SUSF does an annual holiday party at Sports Basement.
• Name of the party needs to be edgier. Consider “active” rather than “fit”.
• Playworks could lead a family friendly activity.
• Stress reduction – yoga?
Next steps: Marianne will get back to Mackenzie that we are interested and begin planning.

Year in Review deadline December 10. Marianne will blast through newsletter to solicit successes from our partners.

Fundraising opportunity – At the last PE presentation, this opportunity came up. People bring their gold jewelry and trade in for cash. 10% could go to Shape Up. Since there is no connection to health or fitness, this is not a fundraiser that the SC endorses.
Next Step: Christina will reply with a “no thank you.”

Next Steering Committee meeting: December 8, 1-2:30, at 30 Van Ness, Suite 2300

Posted in Steering Committee Meetings

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