April 13, 2011


No agenda available.


Present: Christina Goette (DPH), Amy Portello Nelson (DCYF), Blue Walcer (SFGH), Patricia Erwin (DPH), Randy Reiter (DPH MCAH EPI), Rosa Palafox (Family Development Center), Jodi Stooley (DPH EPI), Rebekah Buzolich (DPH-MCAH), Susana Hennessey Lavery (DPH), Tracey Patterson (SEFA), Alyonik Hrushow (DPH), Ana Valdizic (DPH), Karen Pierce (DPH), Buffy Bunting (DPH), Curtis Chan (DPH-MCAH), Nancy Leung (KP), Lara Sallee (KP), Valerie Azinheira (SUSF Intern), Cynthia Flock (SRTS), Jason Serafino-Agar (SFBC), Marianne Szeto (SUSF), Karen Cohn (DPH Env. Health), julia caplan (CDPH)

Heal Zone – Shape Up SF was invited by Kaiser Permanente Regional to apply for HEAL Zone initiative, 3 yr grant period of about $1 million. The goal of this initiative is to visibly transform a community of 10-20k as it relates to Healthy Eating and Active Living goals – increasing fruit and vegetable consumption, decrease calorie consumption, increase physical activity in community and institutional settings. The only community that fits KP’s criteria is in BVHP, and SUSF proposes to go deep with a number of SUSF’s existing work in this community. SEFA, Food Guardians, Rethink Your Drink, Safe Routes to School are some of the main strategies outlined in our community action plan. The Food Guardians, lay health workers who are residents of BVHP and have been with SEFA for almost 1.5 years will be at core to work with residents

If funded, in the first 3 months, we will get community feedback and revise workplan. The final decision will be made June 23, with start date July 1.


We are in the midst of week 7 of the Walking Challenge, and participants have walked a total 164,054 miles (6.6 trips around the globe). American Heart Association’s National Start Walking Day was last Wednesday, and the AHA wanted to know our mileage on April 6 and 7. Over 347 participants logged miles that day!

Adult team closing ceremony will be on Thursday, May 19 from 5:30-8 at the Bryant St. Sports Basement and is open to all WC participants.  There will be food, drinks, live music, and recognizing teams that completed the 1,016 goal.

PE ADVOCATES – www.shapeupsf.org/PE

Sports Basement has sponsored us at $10k – 100% of proceeds of sale from Asics goes to our PE Forum. UCSF is on track to complete observations of PE classes and are interviewing principals, PTA presidents, PE teachers. PE Forum will be held at BVHP Superintendent Zone school, open to all, during August 10-11 PD Days. Launched PE Action listserv with updates, news, and calls to action.


Valerie Azinheira, Intern with SUSF, working on Rethink Your Drink.

Sugar Savvy trainings 4/20 and 5/4 10-11:30.

SF Kick off at Rosa Parks Elementary on 5/19 from 3-5. Piggy back off CNAP’s poster contest winner ceremony.

BANPAC Meeting 5/11 – this year’s focus is “Pledge the practice, pass the policy!” and if you are interested in adopting a healthy drink policy, BANPAC will be providing TA.

RPD is on board again this year and Valerie and I have developed 5 simple lessons for their ten neighborhood camps to do throughout the summer.

SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL – Bike to School Day was on April 7, and Jason from SF Bicycle Coalition will be presenting later. Thank you to Jason for organizing the citywide event! SRTS hired temporary staff Cynthia Flock and Phoebe Woerner who will be entering data from the parent surveys and putting together a summary report as we wrap up this first SRTS grant.

UCSF looked at how kindergarteners and 5th graders get to school using the student travel tally for 72 out of 73 elementary schools, and will do 6th and 9th graders before school ends as a proxy grade for each school. Having this baseline data is important w/ regards to school assignment policy change.  SRTS secured grant to continue the program (with minor tweaks) 9/11-2013 and another grant announcement will be released next week.

SOUTHEAST FOOD ACCESS WORKING GROUP (SEFA)  Improvements to Supersave to expand produce and improve exterior will go to the PAC in a few weeks. The Food Guardians (FG) have been meeting with Foods Co. store management over the past year and as a results, Foods Co. has been stocking new low sodium products, built out produce section, and sales going well. Tracey recently hired a new FG, Jas Master, a dietetic nutrition student. The FG are doing a lot of asset mapping throughout community and interviewing CBOs that are food and health related in the neighborhood for a resource guide that will be available online and in print.


Lara Sallee and Nancy Leung, Kaiser Permanente SF Community Benefits

Based on the latest CAN, KP has identified new priority areas for 2011-2013.

  1. Reduce obesity rates in children and adults
  2. Reduce alcohol drug use rates in youth 12-24
  3. Reduce rates of community violence among youth 12-24.

This is also the first year using an online application process. The online application will be available after April 25. Email Nancy for the guidelines. Highly recommended to contact Nancy and Lara to see if your concept fits the new priority areas before applying due to specificity and change of priorities.


Be Sugar Savvy May 4, 10-11:30. Contact Marianne to register. marianne.szeto@sfdph.org

Professional Development Day – May 11 – Summer Learning Netowrk

ENACT Day – May 4 – Soda Tax AB 669 is one of the priority issues on the legislative agenda! www.cfpa.net/ENACT2011 deadline to register is April 25!

Bike to Work Day – May 12, www.sfbike.org/?btwd

Sunday Streets -  Mother’s Day in the Mission. www.sundaystreetssf.com

Mission Community Market Collaborative starts April 14 and is every Thursday from 4-8 PM at Bartlett and 22nd. http://www.missioncommunitymarket.org/


Julia Caplan, Project Lead, Health in All Policies Task Force, Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, California Department of Public Health.

In December 2010, Shape Up SF released a policy analysis report with recommendations to create environments that promote physical activity, and our leading recommendation is HIAP. julia.caplan@cdph.ca.gov

HIAP in Sacramento started last year. It emerged from series of discussions with Governor Schwarzenneger’s office about obesity prevention. CDPH learned lots of lessons from work around tobacco control that changed social norms to make it harder for people to smoke, more expensive, and more prohibitive.

Recognizing that the environment influences choices and that  public health alone can’t influence these choices, the HIAP task force  was created by Executive Order and under auspices of Strategic Growth Council. The SGC is a cabinet level body – 5 secretaries at state level responsible for sustainability, climate change, GHG emissions, etc.  The SGC decided which agencies were to sit on HIAP Task force and approves HIAP work.

HIAP Task Force (HIAP TF) consists of 18 agencies – high level staff and authority – able to move process fwd and buy in. SGC required public input process. One of the keys to success is that the Task Force was formed by EO and participation was mandatory. HIAP had a high level champion.

Most HIAP TF members didn’t know how their work impacted health. Did a root cause mapping exercise to look at social ills and went backwards to see underlying issues. Each member looked where they had leverage in the root cause map.

Each agency produced a two page fact sheet for their issue area and will be posted on the website.

Lessons learned:

  • People do believe in these things and want their work to be meaningful.
  • Met with key informants, policy activists, TF members, public input workshops. Collected 1200 recommendations and committed to consensus process. Any agency could veto any recommendation they didn’t like.
  • Some important areas were omitted because of the connection to the environment. I.e. not able to make compelling argument re: breastfeeding and climate change. No one from alcohol on the TF.  Key to identify win wins in this process.
  • Next steps – Submitted the report in December with 34 recommendations. SGC accepted the report and asked to identify smaller number of Rx to pursue for RX. Due July.
  • Prioritization based on which has biggest health impact, where there is possibility for funding, where is there political will. 10 bills in legislature that came directly out of the recommendations.

List of Challenges –

  • time intensive – meetings, developing knowledge in each of these 18 areas.
  • funding – EO did not come with funding. TCE funded this work so far.
  • bring issues like equity to the table. agencies weren’t bringing equity to the table.
  • defining state vs. local work
  • how can state help/streamline local efforts.
  • political process.
  • being under the SGC – everything filtered through climate change lens. but it’s a powerful body with high level champions.
  • need for state to collect and disseminate data
  • state could identify best practices and share at local level
  • guidance documents – ex. MTC working collaboratively and including health indicators in the RFP
  • the fact sheets are good tools for engaging other agencies.
  •  CA is the first state with hiap. Countries in Europe, Australia have HIAP. In Richmond there is a  training for staff from all sectors on HIAP.
  • Health Impact Assessments – concern that they are applied at project level where costly and time consuming. How to do them earlier in the planning process?
  • Crafting bills – financial impacts don’t take into consideration the health costs. How can we analyze legislative proposals to give decision makers the long term impacts on health?

2011 BIKE TO SCHOOL DAY – Jason Serafino-Agar, SRTS Program Coordinator, SF Bicycle Coalition

Bike to School Day is an Encouragement activity for SRTS and is open to all sf perk and 12th grade. We provided rider bags – lanyards, “be cool bike to school”, bike bells from trek, and other goodies. It has been 6 days since bike to school day.

In our first year, 2009, our goal was 1% of students (550). We had 25 schools participate with about 550 biking.

2010 – 31 schools, 1k children; 2011 – 40 schools, 3k children!



We had 5 supervisors participate and this is an important event for SFBC’s efforts to Connect the City, integrating public planning and transportation for bikeways accessible to anyone age 8 to 80. Connect the city with 3 main routes to start with and by 2020, 100 routes

Posted in Shape Up Coalition Meetings

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